Monday, March 14, 2011

Yoko Ono on CNN?

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My parents and I were watching CNN's coverage on the Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami Crisis, and then saw the interview of Yoko Ono. I do not know how to explain the feeling, but when I was watching the whole interview with careful observation, I could not agree with CNN's choice this time.
To be very honest, it was vulgar; This is the biggest crisis Japan is going through since World War II, and not only many people are dying but Japan is facing perhaps more disaster due to nuclear power plant failure and economic crisis; and meanwhile, CNN is inviting Yoko Ono because she is a Japanese celebrity.
And CNN, one of the most representative news media of America, decides to bring a famous Japanese celebrity to talk about the issue. Is this really CNN's best? I highly doubt it.
What did this accomplish? Majority of the people on Twitter is already unhappy with what CNN did.
If CNN is trying to engage people into the issue by using celebrities, I think Yoko Ono was a bad idea.

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