Monday, March 14, 2011

Meeting For The Show

I set up a meeting on Thursday at Acalanes Library to meet with all the people who are involved with the show.
Kailey, Ted, Ryan, Laurel, Natalie, Sonia and Alex came to the meeting. Unfortunately, Cybelle and Sarah who are involved in music for the show could not come. However, Alex and Kailey took some notes for two of the missing musicians which was awful nice of them.

At the meeting, I basically went through all the basic details about the show and we all discussed about things such as the name of the show, the kind of baked goods, the art works, the presentation of works and much more.
Here are things we have talked about in the meeting:

  • The date of the show is March 26th and 27th
  • The venue is Lafayette Art Galley
  • We decided to name the show "Inelegant Expression"
  • All the profit will go to a charity
  • The show should be at least 7 hours each day to fulfill our community service hour.
  • The flyers will be ready by March 18th at latest for us to put around town and school.
  • Natalie is in charge of the baking sale, and the profit will also add up to our donation.
  • Musicians can collect money too for the donation.
  • Ryan is playing for 4 hours each day and helping out at the show and other use of hours are up for the musicians.
  • We need some back up works just in case people do buy a lot of the works on sale.
  • I will set up a table where an artist can make art on the spot and sell.
  • Alex will also submit some art works.
  • Laurel will help Natalie with baking by baking some of her own.
  • Many of the art will be switched to fit the public's taste. (It sounds bad as artists but this will help us gather more money possibly).
  • Natalie will print all the flyers.
  • Ted will design the rough draft of the poster and give it to me for editing.
  • Sonia will get a piece done by March 18th that can be on sale.
  • When all the works are ready and organized, we will discuss about the pricing of the art sale.
  • When all the works are collected, I will work on the information tags and presentation of each.
  • Ryan, Ted and Laurel will print their own work.
  • We will possibly have a mandatory meeting again.
I am so happy that all the members of the project are so engaged and excited about the show. It makes me feel strong that we are all coming together for this project. Everyone is down to hear each others' input and everyone respects each other. Many of the kids came up with great ideas such as Natalie who came up with the idea of the baking sale and Kailey who came up with the idea of involving musicians in the project. This project became not only about my endeavor as an artist but also how I communicate with others to make my day dream come to reality. 

Ms. Miller from the Gallery sent me an e-mail about her, Kailey and I having a meeting about the show. I am very nervous about this because I want her see that we are trying our best to not be a hassle but maybe a helper for her gallery to attract more crowd and engage the community with power of art. I will meet with her after school on next Wednesday. I hope it goes well.

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