The issue of immigration has been the major political issue to me. I feel that the solution can not be black or white. To simplify the position of the both republican and the democrats party, the republicans believe that the U.S. needs a stronger immigration system and the democrats are supportive of creating a pathway for immigrants to gain citizenship. Also, democrats support the universal health care which will cover illegal immigrants; Republicans do not.
This is president Obama's stand on the issue featured in an article:
"OBAMA: We don't want a situation in which some child, even if they're an illegal immigrant, shows up in an emergency room with tuberculosis and nobody is giving them treatment, and then they're going back to the playground and playing next to our kids.I totally agree with Obama; however, to make change as a better country before we make change as a planet, the America must have a cold heart and make sacrifices. What if the illegal immigrant child with tuberculosis was not in the U.S.? What if he or she never made it to the U.S. due to a strict immigration law?
So I think there is a basic standard of decency where if somebody is in a death situation or a severe illness, that we're going to provide them emergency care. But nobody has talked about providing health insurance to illegal immigrants. I want to make that absolutely clear."
I believe as a country, or any countries should choose their citizens over illegal immigrants. The ones who pay the tax, and the ones who does not. That is a harsh reality; despite the fact that America is founded under illegal immigrants (or rather unwanted guests), as a modern country, we can not get out of our way to pour money for every single people, because we are in a shaky economic era.
In the other hand, the Arizona's Immigration Law is something I am against. I believe in sacrifices but I do not believe the Arizona's law is not a sacrifice but a very not American in many wrong ways.
If I must make a choice, which I really despise to do so, I must say I am geared more to the right wing than the left, just because I believe the citizens and the illegal immigrants should be clearly distinguished but not in a discriminating way.
America is a country that has a huge population of new comers. Around the world, America is known as the land of hope and opportunity. The time changed but foreign love for America? Not as much.
This was a really hard subject to talk about and I just hope the U.S. do not rush this issue so fast. The two parties must work together in order to control the boarder and the immigration law together.
This is not exactly a friendly website, but it has some statistics about the issue of illegal immigrants: Link
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